Friday, April 8, 2011

Servant Laedership

Servant Leadership
Servant leadership is a leadership theory/phrase that was developed by Robert Greenleaf in the 1970’s.  Greenleaf wrote 3 essays that are the basis of servant leadership.  Greenleaf’s essay was based on the type of leaders he saw during his time at AT&T (Human Resources and personnel).  The two types of leaders that Greenleaf experienced were leaders that were trying to acquire power, wealth and fame, and leaders that were more interested in the needs of others (team, customers, society).  Greenleaf came to the decision that the leaders that were interested in others were much more effective leaders.  In his essays, he terms this type of leadership and leader as servant leadership and servant leader.   Greenleaf says in his essay, The Servant as Leader: “The servant leader is servant first…It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first.  Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead.”  The servant leader is a leader that is more interested in listening, growing, understanding, and helping those around him/her.  The servant leader is not only interested with his/her company and employees but also with customers and society in general.  By being more attentive to all people, servant leaders are more aware of what is going on and are able to offer the products and services that the end consumer wants.  By being in it for others, servant leaders gain more trust from those around them, because servant leaders offer more responsibility and help others grow.  Servant leaders are always wondering if what they are doing is helping their team members grow not only in their jobs but as people as well.  This extra attentiveness, care, and belief in others tends to make team members put in extra effort into their jobs and duties, creates a low turnover rate, and ensures an enjoyable work environment.  Servant leaders are able to delegate more effectively others because they continue to help their team members grow which also allows team members to carry larger responsibilities that would not have been possible without the trust and involvement necessary to be a servant leader.  Servant leadership is an important leadership theory because it is one of the leadership theories where the leader is truly about the people.  Servant leaders bring out the best from those around them and look forward to giving back to their team members, suppliers, customers, and their communities.
You can find out more information about Servant Leadership: